Adapted from a recipe by Georgina Mackenzie, BBC Good Food

Tasty and nutritious - a great option for lunch or a light supper. Serve with crusty bread and butter. Why not double up the quantities and take some to work or school in a hot food flask?
Prep Time: 30 minutes (using pre-cooked beans)
Cook Time: 30-60 minutes
Serves: 2
1 tbsp olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
1 stick celery, finely chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 small sweet potato, diced into 1cm / ½in pieces
400g tin chopped tomatoes
1 tsp tomato purée
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp smoked paprika
pinch dried chilli flakes
200ml hot water
1 tsp vegetable bouillon powder
250g cooked butter beans
handful kale, spinach or other leafy green vegetable
salt and freshly ground black pepper
Batch cook your butter beans ahead of time, remembering that cooked beans are roughly twice the weight of dried. Soak overnight in cold water or for at least 1 hour in boiling water. Drain, rinse and cover with cold water. Bring to the boil for 10 minutes, then simmer for about 1 hour until tender. Or pressure cook in 18-20 minutes.
Mix the bouillon powder and hot water to make a stock
Heat the oil in a lidded saucepan over a medium heat. Add the onion and celery and sweat for 5 minutes with the lid on
Add the garlic and sweet potato and cook for a further 5 minutes, until they start to soften
Add the chopped tomatoes, tomato purée, oregano, paprika, chilli flakes and stock. Stir well and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer with the lid on for 10 minutes
Add the butter beans and simmer without the lid on for 10–15 minutes, or until the sweet potato is soft
Add the kale and allow to wilt for 2 minutes. Stir well, check the seasoning and serve