Recipe provided by Jo Anderson

A delicious treat that's easy to make. Store in the fridge...if you can resist eating it all at once!
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: n/a
100g whole almonds roughly chopped
100g jumbo raisins
100g sour cherries
225g digestive biscuits
200g 73% chocolate buttons
4tbsp golden syrup
170g hard butter
Line a 20cm x 20cm square tin with greaseproof paper
Crush the biscuits so about a quarter are crumbs and the rest are small pieces
Melt the chocolate, syrup and butter in a pan over a low heat, stirring occasionally
Remove from the heat, gently stir in dry ingredients and mix well, ensuring all the dry ingredients are well coated
Press into the tin and chill for at least 2 hours
Turn out the cake and cut when cold